Sunday, August 29, 2010

Birthday Weekend Humor

A couple of funny quotes from this weekend...

I was outside trying to wind up the hose and Jeremy kept grabbing the end that connects with the faucet, walking it over and trying to attach it. It kept falling down but he was relentless, even as I pulled it back toward to me as I was winding. Finally, he pulled it really hard toward him and with one more forceful attempt to put it on the faucet he turned confidently to me and said, "there you go Dad, I have it all screwed up for ya!"

Gretchen and I were up early this morning, I was reading and she was beginning to cook pancakes in preparation for the awakening of the hungry young boys. We were having a nice conversation around many topics (including baby names honestly..unbelievable how hard it is, you think we'd have it down by now). I know it was just a couple of hours ago but I honestly don't remember exactly what we were talking about. Whatever it was she cut me off in the beginning of what was sure to be some long-winded explanation by me and said, "I was only half-asking." Say it is hilarious. I contend that she "half-asks" a lot especially when pregnant :)

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