Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas 2008

And This Was A Pack Of Bed Sheets.....

I've been struggling lately to get a blog started. Seems like something I should do considering I spend the better part of every day in front of a computer.  I've had the title for quite a while "In The Moment" important phrase for me because time blurs more and more with each passing life event.  Staying in the moment is both an increasingly difficult and evermore valued skill.

So, in short order since most of you receiving this know, I've been married to Gretchen (formerly Moss of Crestwood and Ashland University graduate fame) since 2004.  We currently live in Erie, PA after short stints in Cincinnati and Atlanta moving within my job at GE.  Our first son Jeremy Lawrence (pictured top left) is about 20 months old and a second is due in March 2009.  We have two dogs Mo and Lili who have served us well in preparation for parenthood and now serve a very crucial stress distraction role.

I've wavered in blog intentions anywhere from light-hearted monthly family updates to daily deep introspective reflections.  I think time will most likely permit a weekly goal which I'm bound to miss from time to time.  As for content, if I continue to plan and not do it will never be.  So with that I offer to you my first published blog update...

I must admit, even with the close proximity to family I've been eager to start our own family tradition for Christmas morning.  Jeremy is close to Santa-age, and we have a great living room fire place.  I've yet to wake up in my own home for Christmas, and for those of you who know Gretchen well you know that we are WAY too decorated here to not stay and fully enjoy throughout the season.  So after some artful negotiations with my lovely wife, the low point being my refusal to buy her a real Christmas tree until we stay home (an inadvisable strategy given she is 7 months pregnant) we headed out to Mantua for Christmas 2008.  The current plan is for Christmas 2009 to be Erie-based....stay tuned.

The Arnold and Moss events went off without a hitch (if you want the real story call me).  In all honesty it is very important for both Gretchen and I that our children have a close relationship with their grandparents.  We are blessed to be so close after our travels and we will continue to make the most of it.  That brings me to the featured moment...Jeremy opening presents.

This time he was actually able to pull off the wrapping paper, and while labels didn't matter (he opened EVERY gift at my parents house) his excitement for each gift was clear in his expression.  Some kept more attention afterward, thanks to the Arnold GPs for the Elmo computer and thanks to the Moss GPs for the Doodle Board, but each was opened with equal enthusiasm.

There's a lot for us to be distracted by and to complain about.  Frankly, it all seems superficial after moments like these.  I love my wife more then life itself, and I love my son even more.  As I write this it is clear I can not express my feelings adequately in words.  Maybe for those of you interested in this and future updates it will emerge in the collective.  Until then all I can say is we had a ton of fun and look how cute that stinkin' kid is! 

A couple final sources of's a short video that captures Jeremy's personality pretty well.  Adventurous, inquisitive, and entertaining all in one.

And here are a few more Christmas pics...
Christmas 2008

Going forward I promise a few things...these will be shorter, without all the explanatory preface and epilogue material.  Future posts will all be based on pictures or videos.  I'm a visual learner and who wants to just read some random words without good illustration anyway.  And finally, I welcome your posted comments.  Let's get a dialogue going, you are all a key part of my life.

So, for what it is worth I thoroughly enjoyed writing this.  Thanks for bearing with my winding you through my thought process.  I'm not trying to define this as something more important then it is, just hoping it you will find it entertaining enough to check back on, thoughtful enough to be more then just entertainment, and honest enough to hold some meaning beyond my own perspective.


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magerfam said...

Great to see someone has a goal (1 post a week. I haven't posted since Brady was 2 weeks old. I can't even get on my Blog to update. You have inspired me to resume my blogging...well maybe.
I wish that we could all be that excited when openening a pack of sheets. I will check back.

Chris Means said...

"There's a lot for us to be distracted by and to complain about. Frankly, it all seems superficial after moments like these. " - Browns or Joe Borowski, I assume?

Enjoyed the blog - keep it coming!

Adam said...

Looks like you guys had a great Christmas! This is a great way to keep in touch and I'm glad you started a blog. I've added your blog to my GoogleReader so it is now official, your a real blogger! :) Happy holidays to you and your family.

Nate Arnold said...

Just want to quickly thank Chris for again reminding me why it is so hard to be a Cleveland sports fan. I've already apologized to Jeremy for bringing him into this curse.

Mango (Steelers rock!) said...

Merry Christmas Nate! Great post and I'm looking forward to more updates.

Ummm....noticed there was no mention of the Browns. Did they convert you to the Super Steelers up there in Erie?

Sarbs said...

What a great idea! I really look forward to the updates. I'm pretty impressed that you think you can keep posting regularly, we'll see how it goes after #2 arrives;) it is so true how fast time goes, you gotta make every second count... Keep it in the moment simple man!

Unknown said...


Great to hear everyone in your household is doing well! Enjoyed the blog entries and looking forward to more stories to come. Especially once your newest family addition arrives!

M. Bain

Gmommy said...

Hello!! We are waiting for the next entry!! What is happening with the Arnold family??

Nate Arnold said...

A quick reply to my friend Mr. Mango...NO CHANCE the black and gold has leaked into the Arnold family. As with seemingly every year since 1979 I'm reduced to promising more optimistic Brown's postings "next year." At least until October (maybe late September unfortunately).