Friday, November 19, 2010

JLA "when I wake up on all the days you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to blast everyone like phweew!" (insert image of Buzz Lightyear lazer arm)
Nate Arnold
M +1 814 397 6921

Saturday, September 4, 2010

September Sunset at the Beach in Erie!

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After enjoying a nice Mexican dinner on upper Peach, we noticed it would be the perfect timing to drive down to the beach to watch the sunset. A storm was blowing in (thankfully cooling it off but bringing rain too). The wind was strong and waves were really big on Beach 1 allowing our boys to show their true colors. Jeremy was freezing cold in the breeze, and didn't want to head down near the water at all. We had to wrap him in a towel and sit him on the life guard chair and he was still asking when we could go home over and over!
Cody headed straight for the water. Unfazed by the huge waves, he was drawn to all the rocks on the shore and eager to throw them into the water like Dad. He went in so far that a crashing wave took him out. He didn't cry, just wanted the wet clothes off so he wouldn't be so cold. He spent the rest of the sunset in a diaper just as eagerly exploring as before.
It was a really relaxing time for Dad and Mom. Dad is stressed with starting a new job at GE (and still really doing his old one). Mom is a bit stressed/slash/anxious - new baby is a week overdue and we are eager to meet him or her. Erie is known for the beautiful sunsets and this one didn't disappoint. The crashing waves made it all the more impressive.
My favorite quote of the night from JLA as the sun finally made its way below the horizon, "Daddy, does the sun like to get wet?"
Such a great time...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Birthday Weekend Humor

A couple of funny quotes from this weekend...

I was outside trying to wind up the hose and Jeremy kept grabbing the end that connects with the faucet, walking it over and trying to attach it. It kept falling down but he was relentless, even as I pulled it back toward to me as I was winding. Finally, he pulled it really hard toward him and with one more forceful attempt to put it on the faucet he turned confidently to me and said, "there you go Dad, I have it all screwed up for ya!"

Gretchen and I were up early this morning, I was reading and she was beginning to cook pancakes in preparation for the awakening of the hungry young boys. We were having a nice conversation around many topics (including baby names honestly..unbelievable how hard it is, you think we'd have it down by now). I know it was just a couple of hours ago but I honestly don't remember exactly what we were talking about. Whatever it was she cut me off in the beginning of what was sure to be some long-winded explanation by me and said, "I was only half-asking." Say it is hilarious. I contend that she "half-asks" a lot especially when pregnant :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Cody Falling

Quiet possibly one of the funniest videos so far of young Cody. Many more to come with this guy, he is a care-free rebel. We still don't know how he got standing up on the radio in the first place!

Make sure your sound is up, that is half the fun.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Jeremy threw a dog toy this morning, and then patted Cody on the butt to race after it by saying “everybody start your babies!”



Saturday, July 24, 2010

JLA regarding a new peanut butter granola bar "this is the umm-est !"

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Jeremy quote tonight: "Hey Mom and Dad, hear this. Tigers are really roaring so watch out!"