Sunday, May 9, 2010

Jeremy Update

A couple quick updates on our oldest heading into a fun spring of baseball and music here in Erie!
  • Jeremy likes helping me take out the garbage to the end of the driveway. I try to leave our green plastic can with wheels a little lighter so he can pull it by himself. This past week he was pulling it down the driveway for me. It was heavy for him, but he was doing it without a sound or complaint. I was proud of our strong boy. At the end of driveway near the sidewalk a neighborhood girl Peyton that he often plays with was walking by, she's about 7 or 8 years old. Jeremy looked up and said "I'm just helping my Dad take out the garbage..UGH, UGH." UGH was him grunting as if he was working really hard. The back story on that is we taught him that grunting like that was when someone was working hard so he would understand when Mommy made those kind of sounds in labor. So the young man knew what he was doing...pulling the can was no problem most of the way, but for some reason as his "favorite girl" went by he wanted to impress her by showing her he was working hard. That-a-boy!
  • Jeremy has adopted a new word that represents when something is really good, or loved.. "Prontoed" - as in a response to the question "how was your dinner Jeremy," "PRONTOED!"
  • A couple of other favorite words for Jeremy: Pinkalompis (something you don't eat), Boseefoose (definition unknown), Tree Song and Movie (these are times when he climbs up on the fireplace step and sings and dances for us...very creative).
  • He will not be found without a car (Hotwheel size) in his hand lately. Most are from the movie Cars like Lightning McQueen, Doc, Mater, or Chick Hicks, but he also has a favorite little yellow car who's name is actually Yellow Car. All of these come with us in the truck, in the store and most importantly to bed. I woke up the other night only to dig out Chick Hicks from under me in bed and set it on the nightstand. Below is a picture taken by Jeremy himself of one of his current favorites Doc.